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Munich to Augsburg, Garmisch and Rosenheim

Notes - Not an official route, this will combine Munich to Garmisch,Munich to Augsburg and Munich Rosenhiem as a separate route. 

Extra Terrain Files - OPTIONAL

These terrain files are an optional update for the Munich to Augsburg, Garmisch and Rosenheim route. These were taken out due to the 200 MB Limit on steam workshop (set by Valve themselves). The route will run and look fine with out these files, however I have included them as an optional download for those that would like to re-add them to the route. 

For other things that I have done in my own time, I also have a facebook page with pictures from Scenarios and other routes that i've looked at.

Updates - 

  • All the Updates from the Munich to Garmisch and Augsburg route
  • Basic Quick Drive
  • (V1.1) Replaced 2 Signals at München-Heimeranplatz with ones that Link the Yards
  • (V1.1) Various scenery bug fixes
  • (V1.1) Redid the track join from Munich Garmish and Augsburg to Munich Rosenheim.
  • (V1.1) Fixed Routing issues between Munich and Augsburg (with the above) (pretty much a "Blocker")
  • (V1.1) Fixed Typo in route name (I spelled Rosenheim as Rosenhiem)
  • (V1.1) Replaced route picture with one that doesn't Match Munich Garmisch to Augsburg (technically not a bug)
  • (V1.2) Finished Quickdrive (most destinations covered) 
  • (V1.2) Fixed Various floating scenery bugs
  • (V1.2) Fixed gaps in Overhead wires.
  • (V1.3) Fixed missing road under München-Westkreuz station (and fixed terrain too)
  • (V1.3) Made Final...

Credits - 

Munich Augsburg - Dovetail Games
Munich Garmisch - Dovetail Games
Munich Rosenhiem - Dovetail Games (names mentioned in manual) 
Combined Routes - Danny Leach

My Contributions as part of the team that did the original routes

(My Parts of Munich Augsburg and Garmish included under Dovetail games), not that much though really compared to London Brighton and South London Network.

  • Augsburg to just after Kissing Station
  • Around Munich Laim to the yard just after Passing (Towards Augsburg)
  • Adding 2015 Cars and Characters to Munich Garmish Route (didn't make the actual models)

Created by

Danny's Route Pictures
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