Website Terms of Use


Website Terms of Use

We want everyone in the Train Simulator community to be able to access great content, which our members have generously decided to make available to you free of charge. Access to InterlockRail is completely free of charge and it's made out of the love of the game, we do not gain anything for making the content you enjoy!



All copyrights belongs to the member in question or the third party who has kindly provided their assistance in an item, not ourselves. You can see who has made an item by checking the logo used on a product page and then contact them if needed. You can find our members contact details on the 'About Us' page. Any third parties who have assisted us in a project will be clearly listed on a product page as well as what they've provided for a product if you need to contact them. 


Linking to Us

Sharing website links is what the internet is about, and getting information to the people who need it makes everyone lives much easier. We therefore actively encourage linking to our website, however, we request that you don't place any barriers in the way for the recipient to gain access to the page which you are linking to.  This includes adware, payware, advertisements, membership only options, etc.


Developers who wish to use our website to publish on

We are not taking on any developers currently.  We are sorry about this.  If this changes, we will update this page.



Information that you share with us

Your information that you share with us via email, is kept within Interlockrail email platform and is not shared in any way.  The Admin Team only have access to this area.  Email addresses will be kept in line with the UK GDPR laws in line with the Information Commissioners Office.  If you send us any phone numbers, these will be immediately destroyed and not used.  We will only communicate via email.  If you have a disability preventing the use of email, please arrange to send us an email, explaining this, and will make alternative arrangements so that we can communicate.  Interlock respects all disabilities out there, and if there is a way that we can assist you in using our site, we are more than happy to hear from you and assist in any way we can.

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