Loco Hauled Network Express
This is my very first scenario for Trainsim 2014 / Railworks. Although the timetable is fictional ( I just wanted to get the hang of things first) the stock you see is fairly accurate from my memory of my enthusiast and early BR career days. Due to availability of wagons I have unfortunately had to improvise a little with certain things. EG: Ive had to use the German Box wagons for aggregate trains, Turbo's as I do not have any Slam Door Mechanical DMU's, Vacuum brake bogie bolsters and various old type wagons to fill in for a lack of more modern versions suitable for British Rail era scenarios (which I find ridiculous for a game that issued BR era routes and post privatised industry wagons..... but lets not go there)
A nice simple ish run from Oxford to London Paddington with 50017 Royal Oak, calling at Didcot Parkway, Reading, Twyford, Slough and London Paddington with a slight twist to get around a couple of annoying red signals (in my day that was called "Operational Reasons!!" ) Watch out when approaching London Paddington as due to stupid mistakes by the game developers there are incorrect signal aspects displayed, so Green to Red is very highly likely to happen in the Royal Oak area just before and at the final 40 MPH speed board outside the terminus
Ive had to be fairly stringent with AI traffic as I only have a lap top, but, all things considered, its still pretty intensive.
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