North Jersey Coast & New Haven
Notes - First point, I'm sure i'll be asked this a dozen times. I cannot merge the North East Corridor route (New York to Philadelphia) to either of these routes unfortunately, this is due to having a different route point of origin to the newer ones. (this means that if i merged it to these routes New York would be in a different place). I'm hoping people will read this bit before asking ;).
Also to note - I know that the original North East Corridor has been updated, however it still isn't possible to merge the route, the track and location of the point of origin hasn't changed, the only way that would be changed is if it were built from scratch. (which is very unlikely)
Route information - This route combines North Jersey Coast and New York New Haven routes into one route, this route is listed as a separate route to the New York New Haven and North Jersey Coast routes in the list and will not affect scenarios from either route. This route does have quick drives but only from the more important stations on the route but i'm sure there will be scenarios on workshop in the future from other people.
Notes 2 - Also unfortunately to add to the above this route can't be merged to another Workshop route - New Haven to Boston, for the same reason as the above route.
- V1.01 - Fixed Speed Changes on the HUD
- V1.1 - Updated New York Penn Tracks to be all wooden (not the most fun one to do!)
- V1.1 - Fixed lowered passengers at New York Penn
- V1.1 - Fixed spelling issue on Botanical Garden Quick Drive
- V1.1 - Adjusted overhead wiring bridges and scenery around Milford 3 track section to account for "missing" track.
- V1.1 - Adjusted Hell Gate Bridge Approaches to account for missing track (as in to make room for 4 tracks)
- V1.1 - Added Missing Industrial sidings at Bridgeport (not sure how useful these will actually be, but they've been placed - as requested)
- V1.2 Replaced Gantries between Rahway and South Amboy Sidings to PRR ones
- V1.2 Electrified extra South Amboy Siding
- V1.2 Replaced all stations electrification to gantries between Rahway and Long Branch
- V1.2 Bridge Adjustments for Williams Bridge, Woodlawn and Melrose platforms (Scaled to meet the bridge height)
- V1.2 All Terrain Files included
Credits -
North Jersey Coast - Dovetail Games
New York New Haven - Dovetail Games
Joined Route - Danny Leach (Including 3rd Rail, Station Clutter and Some scenery on New York New Haven route)
Created by